English(same as 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt.Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China)
English(same as U+5F34) bows (with carved pattern) used by the son of heaven -- the emperor, flags; streamers; banners, a flag-staff made of bamboo康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】㢯
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《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤都昆切,音敦。同弴。 又《類篇》彌鄰切,音民。《玉篇》旗也。《類篇》旗弧也。
English(ancient form of 愍) to sympathize with; to pity; to grieve; to commiserate康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】㥸
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English( same as U+62BF 抿) to smooth, to stroke; to pucker, to contract, to wipe away康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㨉
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《唐韻》武巾切《集韻》眉貧切,𠀤音珉。《說文》撫也。一曰摹也。 又《集韻》美隕切,音敏。義同。 又武粉切,音吻。與抆同。 本作捪,或省作抿。
English(same as U+76FF) to look at; to see, to look down; to look from above康熙字典【午集中】【目字部】䁕
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《廣韻》武巾切《集韻》眉貧切,𠀤音珉。與盿同。《玉篇》視貌。 又《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤彌鄰切,音民。俯視也。通作闅。
English(same as 賨) a fine stone resembling jade康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䂥
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English(same as 賨) a stone resembling jade康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃉
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《正字通》䂥碈珉玟𠀤同。《禮·聘義》君子貴玉而賤䃉。 又叶彌延切,音眠。《傳毅洛都賦》通谷岋㞹,石瀨寒泉。砥碬所出,爰有碝䃉。
English(same as 罠) a kind of spring fishing net康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】䋋
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Englishlame; crippled, to go across; to go beyond, hoofs of the animal康熙字典【酉集中】【足字部】䟨
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《廣韻》武盡切《集韻》弭盡切,𠀤音泯。獸蹄甲也。 又《集韻》眉貧切,音旻。《玉篇》踔也。《字彙》行蹲跛也。
Englishthe rim or felloe of a wheel; a tire, a yoke, a collar康熙字典【酉集下】【車字部】䡑
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《玉篇》莫斌切,音民。車伏兔也。 又車輞也。《釋名》車輞曰䡑。䡑,緜也。緜連其外也。